Body Mapping Technology

Universal Practice's proprietary Body Mapping Technology is built within the Universal Practice Virtual Physiotherapy Practice. Our Body Mapping Technology is unique in its capacity to generate AI-assisted physiotherapy assessment and exercise feedback through computer vision and AI - This enables accurate assessment and management of patients over the internet.

The Universal Practice Body Mapping Technology can provide up to 39 key points on the human body. The technology tracks and sends measurements regarding Range of Motion (read about these implications below) to assist physiotherapists with their diagnoses and patient management in real time.

Years of experience from our qualified physiotherapist team are immersed in the technology to ensure the safety of patients and relevance of the data being captured.

Anyone with a laptop or smartphone camera can join and benefit from Universal Practice's Body Mapping Technology and revolutionary physiotherapy approach.

What is Range of Motion?
Range of motion (ROM) is the extent to which a part of the body can be moved around a joint or a fixed point - in other words the total movement a joint is capable of doing. Limited ROM refers to a joint that has a reduction in its ability to move. Range of motion may be limited because of a problem within the joint, swelling of tissue around the joint, stiffness or weakness of the muscles, and/or pain. There can additionally many medical reasons why a patient may have limited ROM including arthritis, inflammation, pain, dislocation and muscle contraction.

Why is Range of Motion important?
As a science based profession, successful physiotherapy is grounded in accuracy and results. Being able to accurately measure range of motion, gives us clinical information to:
- assist with diagnosis and clinical reasoning,
- tell us which structures are impacting function, contributing to pain and hindering movement,
- measure the strength of muscles and analyse movement patterns, and
- provide a baseline to measure from as well as a bench mark as to where we should be aiming.

Regaining range of motion in a joint is a sign of progress as it is one of the first phases of injury rehabilitation, a sign of stability, strength and equilibrium being achieved in the body, and in relation to sports and performance range of motion ensures athletes are able to achieve best results with reduced risk of injury.

Until now, range of motion in-person has been measured with tools such as tape measures and goniometers (similar to a protractor). Body Mapping Technology provides ease, efficiency, accuracy, real time feedback for the patient and reliable results ensuring your physiotherapy assessment and treatment is accountable, and that you move from a state of injured and in pain through to wellness and performance with confidence.

Body Mapping in Relation to Exercise Technique
When we combine range of motion over multiple joints at once, it’s called alignment or posture. This refers to the alignment or angles of your bones and joints in relation to each other. When we do exercises and stretches for them to be effective it’s important that we have good alignment and posture. This means our bones and joints are stacked in the right order and allows our muscles to build strength or let go in this shape. Good alignment is the difference between high quality exercise which promotes change in the body in relation to pain, function and performance and exercise that is done without this underlying focus or goal.

Body Mapping technology can monitor and assess alignment to ensure you are doing your exercises safely with good technique ensuring you receive the results you are after.